Pentax MZ-50
Tods Point, Connecticut. November 2011
Mallorca, Spain. April 2010
Marrakech, Morocco. November 2009
Cecilia visiting Falun.
Falun, Sweden. Fall 2010
Isabel in our kitchen.
Falun, Sweden. Fall 2010
When I lived in the small town Falun in Sweden, I was not exactly thriving with inspiration of taking photos. This is such a shame since it is such a beautiful little town with amazing architecture and wonderful nature. But one thing I did do, and that I now am very happy I did, was shoot some photos with my old Praktica MTL 5. A gift from my grandfather. Here is a first view of the pics.
Falun, Sweden. Fall 2010
Toledo. This city doesn't even resemble a real city from above. It looks like little city for dolls. Beautiful.
Toledo, Spain. February 2010
My turkish friend, who I a met while living in Madrid.
If there would be anyone I would choose for my everyday model, it would be her. She is amazingly gorgeous to me, without any effort, just so natural.
Best part about her now, is she shaved all he hair off. I can only salute her.
Deniz at her houseparty.
Istanbul, Summer 2010
Not only is he gorgeous, but he is the fastest dog in town. Moby, my dog.
Blackeberg, Stockholm. Summer 2011
I am just now in the process of getting my first own apartment! A small studio in Brooklyn that will fulfill this recent urge I have had of living completely alone, without any roomies. This has made me bring further attention to interior decoration, opening my eyes to how near and dear decorate their rooms. I just love the red chairs! Hoping I can find one myself...
Brooklyn, New York
Fall 2011
Aranda de Duero, Spain
Christmas 2009
Dumbo, Brooklyn, N.Y. December 2011
The wall. Stockholm, Sweden. Summer 2011
My beautiful friend Ida.
Stockholm, Sweden. Summer 2011
Dumbo, Brooklyn N.Y. 2011
My dear friend Isabel.
Prague, February 2011